Course Description

This hybrid certification course utilizing Live Webinar and Online Course format will teach the student how to perform Hands On Reiki Energy Healing on themselves and others. The student will become certified in Level I Traditional Usui Reiki.

  • Level I

    Certification and Attunement in Level I Reiki Energy healing will allow you to perform Hands On Reiki on yourself and others.

  • Convenience

    Enjoy the flexibility of online learning at your convenience as well as Live Instruction via Zoom. The live component is broken up into two segments. Week 1: 3.5 hours, Week 2: 1.5 hour wrap up and discussion.



Feb. 12, 2022 9am-12:30 pm followed by wrap up Feb.19, 2022 9-10:30 am. Dates of course can be arranged for your convenience. Email [email protected] for more information


Cathy Scarpitto, PT

Over my 38+ years as a practicing physical therapist, I came to realize that the healing that took place for my patients was not only due to my manual therapy, clinical skills and exercises performed. I realized that the energy created between clinician and patient was instrumental in the healing process. This realization lead me to pursue certification in Reiki Energy Healing techniques in order to expand my perspective and improve my clinical practice and healing of others. I became dual certified in traditional Usui Reiki as a Master Teacher of White Light Reiki as well as a Master Teacher in Angel Reiki.

Course Objectives

Students taking this course will be able to:

  • Describe the history and principles of Reiki Practice

  • Describe the energetic body including chakras and auric field and explain its relationship to the physical body

  • Explain the clinical rationale for the effect that energy healing has on pain reduction, relaxation and optimal health

  • Identify areas of reduced energy flow through palpation and dowsing

  • Perform Reiki Practice on themselves and others in person

  • Affect positive changes in energy flow to allow maximal healing